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Director's Blog

Time to transform 14-16 history

At the start of the school Easter holiday, the Department for Education finally published guidance on subject content for the new GCSEs. Ofqual also announced details of the assessment objectives for different GCSE subjects. These two documents will determine the nature of new GCSE courses from September 2016. As far as history is concerned, they will lead to the most radical shake-up of the 14-16...

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The unthinking history curriculum

Shock, dismay, sadness, anger... these have been the reactions of many history teachers to the long-awaited review of National Curriculum for History. This is the weakest and potentially the most damaging iteration of the National Curriculum since it began in 1991 ...

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Changing School History

SHP Director, Michael Riley writes "At last we’ve had an announcement on the future of the curriculum – well 14-16 at least. And for SHP, the priority now is to engage fully in the consultation process, to work with Awarding Organisations and HE bodies in the development of specifications and, further down the line, to provide the resources and professional development that will guarantee an impro...

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History Around Us

How did you become fascinated by history? For me, it was Mr Mumford’s history walks. Mr Mumford, my history teacher at secondary school, liked doing history in muddy boots. In his history lessons we explored the history around us in the Central Pennines: ruined mills, handloom weavers’ cottages, pre-industrial causeways, the canal, the Roman road...

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